Personal Blog

  • Personal Blog

    It happened slowly….

    The emotions….the anger….the intensity…..the anger….. the heartache…..the anger….the memories….the anger…..

    The words, derogatory, hateful and cutting, began swirling through my mind….louder, bigger, angrier…..


  • Personal Blog

    Journeys…       by this age (60) I’ve had quite a few.  Some are long, some are short.  Some are enjoyable and some not so much.

    I am so grateful to be looking back on a “not so much” journey that began in 2018.

  • Doing It Scared....Again

    The other day I was listening to a motivational speaker talk about goals and dreams for 2022.  I was half listening while I was doing some other desk work.  And then I heard it… “do your goals and dreams scare you?”