SafeCrates from Roots and Harvest

My team and I arrived in Texas for the Mother Earth News Fair at the Expo in Belton.  Excitement increased as we set up our booth and began to wander, checking out the other booths in the Exhibit Hall. We greeted those who had been at the fair in years past, exchanging familiar greetings with our yearly fair friends.

I soon saw a booth unfamiliar to me and from a distance, they seemed to have homestead items I might be interested in viewing closer.  In particular, these strange looking plastic stackable containers.  As I got closer to the table, I was really intrigued!  Those containers seemed to hold glass canning jars, both pints and quarts!!!

As an avid canner, I was thrilled to see an item as useful as this one for storing my canned goods, or for toting glass jars to farmer’s markets or to a friend’s home or an event.  This container was brilliant!!!

I said hello to the ladies behind the table and quickly told them about the National Ladies Homestead Gathering – a non-profit devoted to supporting women who homestead. After the cordial introductory chit chat,  I started asking questions about the crate.  I started to undo the lid, pick it up, put jars in it, closed it back up, stack them…..I couldn’t help myself!

Here was a very useful, nice looking, brilliant means for transporting or storing canning jars and I was enamored!

We exchanged information and it wasn’t long until I owned one of the these beautiful, stackable, jar-carrying crates.

There are several aspects I specifically love about these crates:

1.They have SafeCrates for pints and ones for quarts.

2.You can interchange the quart and pint SafeCrates and they still stack .

3.The SafeCrates have a special design for lining up the lids securely.

4.Each SafeCrate holds 6 or 12 jars, making it easy to manage the weight.

5.They are perfect for taking to Farmer’s Markets and make a beautiful display for the table.

6.They will last a long, long time!

7.The SafeCrates are perfect for canning jar storage, making sure tiny feet don’t run across the tops of the jars when the jars are out of sight.

I currently live in a 200 square foot cabin in the mountains and my storage space is very limited.  The SafeCrates allow me to safely stack my filled canning jars at least 3 high on my shelves.  If you’re living tiny and value your vertical space like I do, you’ll love these SafeCrates!!  And if you’re fortunate to have a beautiful pantry, these SafeCrates will definitely help to keep all your canning jars organized for easy accessibility.

And, if these weren’t enough, they have just added SafeCrates for ½ gallon jars!  These are perfect for those who sell raw milk to customers.  Makes transportation safe and easy to keep jars from banging into each other.  The ½ gallon SafeCrates will be available in March, 2024.

Of course, there are many other uses for these SafeCrates – craft holders, markers and crayon holders, plasticware and napkins for outdoor meals – the ideas are endless!

If you’ve never seen containers like these before, be sure to follow this link to the Roots and Harvest online store: