That Marvelous, Manifesting Morning Routine!

That Marvelous, Manifesting Morning Routine!

Which scenario sets you up for a successful day….

Warm sunlight filters through the bedroom window and gently warms your sleepy face as your eyes willingly open after a great night’s sleep.  Then your brain kicks in….No, it is not Saturday, it’s Thursday!  And what is all that commotion coming from the kitchen??  Oh yes!!!  You have children and they’ve been unsupervised because….oh my word!!!  Look what time it is!!!

Dad left for work before those little humans were awake!  Cursing words at your alarm clock, adrenaline coursing through your veins, tripping over the dog who is hiding from the chaos ensuing downstairs, you grab your bathrobe and run downstairs. 

 Good morning Sunshine!




It’s dark.  It’s early.  That annoying sound of the alarm woke you from a perfectly good dream.  Your eyes reluctantly open so you can stop fumbling to find the light switch next to your bed.  Silently cursing the person who said 5am was a great time to start your day, you shuffle to the kitchen pulling on your sweat shirt.  Get. To. The. Coffee. Maker!  Soon, the smell of coffee begins to waft through the air.  Warm mug in hand, you sit at the table and quietly begin your morning routine while the silence engulfs you.  A time for meditation, inspirational reading, journaling, yoga, 10 minutes of cardio.  With your second cup of coffee, you look over your calendar and the events of the day.  A quick shower, dressed and you greet your children with the table set for breakfast, ready to tackle whatever life’s gonna throw at  you today.

Whether you’re managing a household or managing a job outside the home, it stinks when the day starts before you!

I learned early on, if I could start the day the way I wanted to, life looked a whole lot sweeter for the remaining hours of the day.

So what is a Marvelous Manifesting Morning Routine? 

It’s YOU time but with a purpose.  It’s being intentional about the hours handed to you.  It’s what highly productive people say is a MUST to start a productive day.

For years I’ve worked at having a morning routine.  With 6 kids in the house, getting up before them meant sanity for me, a much better day for them.

Now that I’m an empty nester, my morning routine means better overall health and intentionality in making my productivity count.

I want to build a successful business.  From all the podcasts I’ve listened to (and there have been hundreds!), the most successful business entrepreneurs have a morning routine.  It works.


I began my Morning Routine about 3 years ago and it’s crazy to look back and see all the progress that came from being intentional – beginning my day with a focused purpose.

What does my morning routine look like now?  Very differently than when I was running the homestead!  Differently than it did when I was at the Ranch in Montana.  It’s fluid but all the components are still there.

Quiet time: make a cup of black tea, read my Bible, personal journal, write in my Gratitude and Dream Journal (more on that journal in another blog)

Reading: one book for business growth and another book for personal growth

Yoga: 10 – 15 minutes

Walk with Piper for 30 minutes while listening to a business podcast

Get dressed for the day.   Look over my calendar to set expectations and intentions.

Do I hit all of the components of my morning routine every day? 

NOPE!  But I try and some is better than none.

Does it really make a difference? 

YEP!  A big difference, in fact.


Seriously, starting my day the same way every day (as much as is possible especially when traveling) becomes a huge comfort and I look forward to getting up every morning knowing I don’t have to make decisions about what I’m going to do right away.  I also know I’m making good, intentional steps toward my goals and dreams even if they look like tiny steps each day.

If you’re not sure, just try it for a week.  Don’t make your morning routine insanely difficult – one action item for each area of your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual self.  If you don’t see a positive difference in how your day starts, then chuck it and go back to what you were doing 

However, if you see the benefits of using a morning routine, then think about adding an evening routine.  It’s a great positive way of intentionally ending your day and purposefully choosing what you do with your down hours instead of scrolling through Reels on your phone….i may or may not struggle with this when I’m tired!

I would love to hear from you, whether you already have a morning routine or what your thoughts are after you give it a try.

Cheers to a great beginning each day!